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  • We would like you to feel informed and confident while making decisions regarding your visit to us. To help, we’ve included commonly asked questions and answers. If your question isn’t addressed, please do get in touch and we’ll provide the information you need.
  • What are the Practice opening hours?
    Appointments are available Monday -Friday between 8.45am and 6.00pm. Please note that the phone is only operated between 9.00am and 5.00pm. Unfortunately we do not offer an out of hours service so in the event of an emergency we suggest that you contact your GP in the usual way or call 111. If you wish to book or change an appointment please call the practice between these hours. 01449 613633
  • Can I book an appointment online?
    Yes, you can book online. Please visit our website and click on 'Book Online'. It is worth noting that not all practitioners offer this service so if you cannot find the practitioner or appointment you are looking for please call the practice on 01449 613633 and one of our team will be able to help you.
  • Can I park at Stowmarket Osteopaths?
    Yes! We have a large car park to the side of the building where you are welcome to park for the duration of your visit to us. Staff car parking is at the rear of the car park so do not worry about blocking cars in on this row. The car park can get busy at times. If this concerns you there is parking at Asda car park a five minute walk from the practice. There is limited parking available along Childer Road and in a car park to the left of the building.
  • How do I cancel or change my appointment?
    Please give us as much notice as possible if you have to cancel or change your appointment. We ask for 24 hours notice, so that we can offer it to another patient. If insufficient notice of cancellation is given, or you do not turn up for your appointment, a cancellation fee will be incurred. It is worth noting that while you can book appointments online you will need to call the practice if you wish to cancel your appointment. You will not be able to do this through the portal. 01449 613633 or email
  • How much will I pay for treatment?
    Osteopathy - £55.00 *from 1st December 2024 Pilates 1:1 - £52.00 Ostenil Consultation/Injection - £220 Physiotherapy - provided by Woolpit and Stowmarket Physiotherapists, please contact 01359 241304 Osteopathic treatment in this area is not yet available under the National Health Service.
  • Should I see an osteopath or a physiotherapist?
    At Stowmarket Osteopaths we have eight osteopaths and one physiotherapist. Osteopaths and physios commonly see the same complaints whether that be a sore back or sprained ankle. However, Ehab our physio here is also a specialist in neurological conditions. So if you are looking for some help with, for example, post-stroke symptoms or wanting help with managing Parkinson's you will be in good hands. We pride ourselves with a team approach and treating each person as an individual, if your practitioner feels there are expertise within the practice that would be better suited to your needs they will offer that to you. If you are unsure about who to see and would like to speak to someone, please call the practice on 01449 613633
  • Are your services covered by my insurance?
    Unfortunately, we no longer deal with insurance companies directly. If you wish to use your health insurance cover then please contact them in the first instance before treatment commences. Please inform the receptionist at the point of booking if you intend to make a claim. We request that patients pay for their treatment after each appointment. We can issue a receipt to present to the insurance company to claim back.
  • Do I need to see my GP first or get a referral?
    Many patients are referred to us by their Doctor, however it is not necessary to see your GP first, the majority of our patients self-refer. The practice has a good relationship with local members of the medical profession and we will be happy to work with your doctor to establish the best course of action, though it is not necessary for your doctor to be informed that you are attending. PLEASE NOTE: If you are planning to make a claim from your health insurance it may be necessary that you have a GP referral so please check this with your insurance company before making your appointment with us.
  • What happens on my first visit to an osteopath? (Short)
    The first consultation you have with an osteopath will be similar to any other with a Registered Medical Practitioner. The osteopath will take a case history about your symptoms and also your general health. Some of these questions may seem irrelevant but are to help the osteopath ascertain if any condition is out of their remit and might require referral. After this the osteopath will conduct an examination, explain their diagnosis and if appropriate will move on to treatment in this first session.
  • What happens on my first visit to an osteopath? (Detailed)
    A first consultation with an osteopath is similar to that with any Registered Medical Practitioner. The osteopath will want to know how the symptoms began and the factors that affect them. They will ask a series of questions, which may at the time seem irrelevant. The answers to these questions will enable your osteopath to build a detailed picture of you and provide a diagnosis for your problem that is unique to you. The osteopath will take a complete medical history, when previous illnesses, injuries, current treatments and medication will be noted. Initial examination by your osteopath: After the case history, you will generally be asked to remove some clothing so that a detailed functional and structural assessment can be made. This will include a static evaluation and simple mobility testing to assess how your whole body relates to your complaint. An osteopath is qualified to carry out a conventional examination and to reach a diagnosis, so they may decide to make an orthopaedic, neurological or circulatory examination. X-rays, blood tests or urine analyses may be requested as well. This part of the examination is very important because patients may not have seen their doctor beforehand. An osteopath is trained to identify any condition, which might require other treatment or referral to the patient’s general practitioner. From the outset of their training the osteopath develops a highly tuned sense of touch in his fingers. They will make an assessment of the patient’s posture and structural state and conduct a detailed examination by touch. The osteopath will examine the condition of the soft tissues, the muscles, ligaments and connective tissue to see whether they feel normal or under stress. In this way the osteopath builds up a structural survey of the patient to find any alteration from the optimal structural and mechanical function for that individual. Once the steps outlined above are complete, your osteopath will decide whether treatment is appropriate for you. Y ou may ask any questions which will help you to understand your diagnosis and treatment
  • What should I wear for my appointment?
    Most often it is necessary to ask you to remove some items of clothing so that the area to be examined can be exposed. You may wish to wear comfortable clothing such as tracksuit trousers/leggings or shorts and a t-shirt/vest so you may be able to be examined without having to remove these. If you have concerns over what you need to wear or will be asked to remove please contact us before your appointment or ask when you first enter the consulting room. If you wish you can ask for a chaperone or bring a friend or relative to accompany you to your appointment.
  • COVID-19 - What you need to know for your visit
    We want to ensure that you have a safe experience whilst visiting Stowmarket Osteopaths. The measures and protocols we have in place are necessary in ensuring yours and other patient's safety, therefore, we kindly request that you: - Arrive at the time of your appointment; when you enter and have used the hand sanitising station we aim to show you directly into the treatment room. If the room is not ready you will be directed to wait, if you feel more comfortable to wait in the car please let the reception team know and the practitioner will come to your car when the room is ready. - We no longer require patients to wear a mask when they enter the building. We can provide a mask if you forget or don't have one and would like one. You may be required to wear a mask when in the treatment room with your practitioner. - Cancel your appointment if you have tested positive for Covid-19, feel unwell, have a temperature, a cough or have been in contact with someone suspected of having Covid-19 - Wash your hands using the station as you come into the practice. - Exit through the door at the end of the waiting room. We are operating a one-way system in the practice to minimise patient crossover where possible. If you have any concerns about your appointment or the Covid-19 Health and Safety procedures in place, please do get in touch by calling the practice on 01449 613633 or emailing
  • How do I give feedback or make a complaint?
    At Stowmarket Osteopaths we welcome your comments about your experience, good and bad. If you have any problems or concerns we would rather know at the earliest opportunity. Whenever possible we will act on your feedback. You can call Katy or Freddy on 01449 613633 or email Alternatively, you can write to the practice. Stowmarket Osteopaths, 15-17 Childer Road, Stowmarket, IP14 1PP Stowmarket Osteopaths has a formal complaints procedure, a copy of which is available to download here.
  • What's the practice address and how do I get there?
    Stowmarket Osteopaths 15-17 Childer Road Stowmarket Suffolk IP14 1PP Childer Road is single one way street with entry from Finborough Road and exit onto Violet Hill Road. If heading towards the town it will be on your left hand side straight after Gladwell's Pet Store. If you are coming from the town it will be on your right just after Iliffe Way (the road to Asda) which is on your left. If you get stuck, please do call us on 01449 613633 and we will try to direct you.


©2022 by Stowmarket Osteopaths

​Registered address: 15-17 Childer Road, Stowmarket, IP14 1PP 

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